How to Make Philosophy in Little Alchemy 2: A Super Guide

How to Make Philosophy in Little Alchemy 2
How to Make Philosophy in Little Alchemy 2

Are you a Little Alchemy 2 enthusiast looking to broaden your virtual horizons with a bit of wisdom? How to make ‘Philosophy’ is one of the more esoteric and intriguing challenges in this enchanting game that encourages players to combine elements and explore the world through crafting. If you enjoy unraveling puzzles and delving deeper into the game’s creative possibilities, this guide is for you.

In this concise tutorial, we will uncover the combination of items that leads to how to Make Philosophy in Little Alchemy 2. Get ready to experiment with abstract concepts and turn them into the foundational element of Philosophy.

Introduction to How to Make Philosophy

Little Alchemy 2 is a simple yet captivating game that allows players to combine different elements to create new ones. Starting with basics like air, earth, fire, and water, players can craft up to 720 unique items, including Philosophy. The joy of the game lies in the endless combinations and discoveries that mirror a simplified version of actual alchemical practices.

To begin crafting Philosophy, you must first create the ‘Human’ element. This forms the base from which you can further explore concepts leading to Philosophy.

How to Make Elements in Little Alchemy 2: A Comprehensive Guide. Click here

How to Make The Basic Elements of Little Alchemy 2

At the center of Little Alchemy 2 is an extensive list of creations from basic sources.
Here’s a primer on that initial addition:

Combination of Basic Elements

Water + soil = mud
Wind + wind = pressure
Soil + pressure = stone
Stone + fire = iron
Water + water = lake
Pond + water = lake
Pond + water = lake
Lake + water = ocean

With this combination of basics, experimentation is your guide.

How to Make Philosophy in Little Alchemy 2
How to Make Philosophy in Little Alchemy 2

How to Make Human in Little Alchemy 2

Follow these basic combinations to arrive at the Human element:

  1. Earth + Fire = Lava
  2. Air + Lava = Stone
  3. Stone + Air = Sand
  4. Sand + Fire = Glass
  5. Glass + Sand = Time
  6. Earth + Earth = Land
  7. Land + Earth = Continent
  8. Continent + Continent = Planet
  9. Air + Planet = Atmosphere
  10. Atmosphere + Water = Cloud
  11. Cloud + Water = Rain
  12. Rain + Earth = Plant
  13. Plant + Time = Tree
  14. Tree + Plant = Forest
  15. Life + Land = Animal
  16. Fire + Fire = Energy
  17. Energy + Cloud = Lightning
  18. Lightning + Lake = Life
  19. Life + Animal = Human

Now that you’ve forged the element of ‘Human,’ it’s time to get philosophical.

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How to Make Philosophy in Little Alchemy 2

For Philosophy, it is not just about combining elements but also fusing complex ideas. Here’s the step-by-step process to achieve Philosophy:

  1. Human + Human = Love
  2. Human + Love = Family
  3. Human + Family = Village
  4. Village + Village = City
  5. City + City = Country
  6. Country + Country = Continent
  7. Human + Country = Politics
  8. Human + Politics = Law
  9. Law + Law = Logic

When you have Logic, the path to Philosophy is just around the corner:

  1. Human + Logic = Philosophy

Congratulations! You’ve successfully created Philosophy in Little Alchemy 2!

How to Make Philosophy in Little Alchemy 2
How to Make Philosophy in Little Alchemy 2


Q: How do I create Philosophy in Little Alchemy 2?

A: To make Philosophy in Little Alchemy 2, you need to combine two specific elements. One essential element is Human, and the other is Knowledge. Mix these two elements together to create Philosophy.

Q: Where can I find the Human element in Little Alchemy 2?

A: The Human element is a basic element that you start with in the game. Simply drag and drop the Human icon onto the playboard from your inventory.

Q: How can I obtain the Knowledge element in Little Alchemy 2?

A: You can create Knowledge by combining two elements: Book and Human. Drag the Book icon onto the Human icon on the playboard to combine them and obtain Knowledge.

Q: What is the combination for creating a Book in Little Alchemy 2?

A: To make a Book, you need to combine two elements: Paper and Wood. Drag the Paper icon onto the Wood icon on the playboard to create a Book.

Q: Can I use pre-existing Philosophy to create something else in Little Alchemy 2?

A: No, Philosophy is a final element and cannot be used to create other elements in the game. Once you have successfully made Philosophy, it is a standalone element.

Q: Are there any alternative combinations to make Philosophy in Little Alchemy 2?

A: No, the only way to create Philosophy is by combining Human and Knowledge. There are no alternative combinations for making Philosophy.

Q: Can I undo a combination if I make a mistake while trying to create Philosophy?

A: Yes, you can undo a combination by clicking the undo button located in the top right corner of the screen. This allows you to go back one step at a time and correct any mistakes.

How to Make Philosophy in Little Alchemy 2
How to Make Philosophy in Little Alchemy 2

Q: What is the purpose of Philosophy in Little Alchemy 2?

A: Philosophy is a final element in the game and serves no further purpose in terms of combinations. It may, however, be used as a component to create more complex concepts and ideas as you continue experimenting in the game.

Q: Is there a limit to the number of elements I can combine in Little Alchemy 2?

A: No, there is no limit to the number of elements you can combine in Little Alchemy 2. The game encourages experimentation, and you can continue combining elements to discover new ones as you progress.

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Making Philosophy in Little Alchemy 2 demonstrates the game’s depth, where simple elements evolve into sophisticated ideas that reflect real-world development and cognition. Philosophy serves as a pivotal foundation for branching into other complex elements and exploring new combinations that the game offers.

Remember, Little Alchemy 2 is not just about the end product but also about the journey and the joyous revelations along the way. Your mastery of how to make Philosophy in Little alchemy 2 symbolizes your progress in intellectual exploration within this virtual alchemical universe.

Continue experimenting with elements, uncovering unfamiliar combinations, and you’ll be surprised at the intricate web of connections you can construct in your quest for alchemical knowledge. Keep mixing, keep discovering, and let the philosophical musings in Little Alchemy 2 lead you to even more gaming enlightenment!

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