How to Make Elements in Little Alchemy 2: A Comprehensive Guide

How to Make Elements in Little Alchemy 2
How to Make Elements in Little Alchemy 2

Engaging in the enchanting world of Little Alchemy 2 is a pursuit that combines creativity, strategy, and a sprinkling of scientific curiosity. Whether you’re new to the alchemic realms or a seasoned element conjurer, this guide aims to provide an extensive walkthrough to assist players in uncovering the diverse array of items nested within this delightful puzzle game. Let’s dive in and transform our base elements into something truly awe-inspiring!


In Little Alchemy 2, players explore the simple yet profound process of combining elements to create an expanding universe of items, from the mundane to the mystical. Our ultimate goal here is to educate on the elemental combinations and spark inspiration for your own exploratory gameplay.

Getting Started

Understanding the game mechanics is pivotal to your progression. The interface presents you with an intuitive drag-and-drop system where you combine elements to form new items. Start with the four basic elements: water, fire, earth, and air. These building blocks are your canvas for creation.

How to Make Basic Elements

At the heart of Little Alchemy 2 lies a vast catalog of creations stemming from basic elements. Here’s a primer on those initial connections:

Basic Element Combinations

  • Water + Earth = Mud
  • Air + Air = Pressure
  • Earth + Pressure = Stone
  • Stone + Fire = Metal
  • Water + Water = Puddle
  • Puddle + Water = Pond
  • Pond + Water = Lake
  • Lake + Water = Sea

With these foundational combinations, experimentation becomes your guide.

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How to Make Elements in Little Alchemy 2
How to Make Elements in Little Alchemy 2

How to Make Intermediate Elements

Moving beyond the basics, players will start to encounter a richer diversity of elements that pave the way for advanced creation:

Intermediate Element Combinations

  • Earth + Metal = Plow
  • Plow + Earth = Field
  • Field + Stone = Grave
  • Mud + Stone = Clay
  • Clay + Life = Human
  • Sea + Earth = Primordial Soup
  • Primordial Soup + Energy = Life

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How to Make Advanced Elements

As your inventory grows with intermediate elements, the possibilities bloom into complex items embodying more abstract concepts or higher-level entities:

How to Make Elements in Little Alchemy 2
How to Make Elements in Little Alchemy 2

Advanced Element Combinations

  • Airplane + Space = Rocket
  • Human + Metal = Tool
  • Tool + Water = Wheel
  • Wheel + Wheel = Bicycle
  • Earth + Tool = Field
  • Field + House = Barn

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How to Make Special Elements

Some combinations yield not just new items but trigger the unfoldment of entire categories, such as the creation of planets, celestial bodies, or mythical creatures:

Special Element Combinations

  • Planet + Fire = Sun
  • Sun + Energy = Solar Cell
  • Earth + Earth = Land
  • Land + Life = Animal
  • Animal + Sky = Bird
  • Bird + Fire = Phoenix

How to Make Hidden Gems Little Alchemy 2

Uncovering hidden gems in Little Alchemy 2 offers a thrilling reminder of the game’s depth.

How to Make Elements in Little Alchemy 2
How to Make Elements in Little Alchemy 2

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Hidden Gem Combinations

  • Night + Animal = Cat
  • Earth + Plow = Field
  • Field + Life = Human
  • Earth + Human = Farmer
  • Farmer + Life = Livestock
  • Field + Livestock = Cow

With hidden gems, the approach is often counterintuitive, pushing players to think outside the box.

Certainly! Here are some frequently asked questions (FAQs) and answers for making elements in Little Alchemy 2:


Q1: What is Little Alchemy 2?
A1: Little Alchemy 2 is a puzzle game that challenges players to combine different elements to create new items and substances. The goal is to discover as many elements as possible by combining the available ones.

Q2: How do I combine elements in Little Alchemy 2?
A2: To combine elements, simply drag one element on top of another on the game interface. If the combination is valid, a new element will be created.

Q3: Are there any basic elements I should start with?
A3: Yes, you start with four basic elements: Earth, Fire, Water, and Air. Combine these elements to create more complex ones.

Q4: How can I make a human in Little Alchemy 2?
A4: To create a human, combine Earth and Life.

Q5: What are some tips for discovering new elements?
A5: Experiment with combinations. Try combining basic elements in different ways, and don’t be afraid to think outside the box. Sometimes, unconventional combinations lead to new discoveries.

Q6: How can I make a computer in Little Alchemy 2?
A6: To make a computer, combine Electricity and a Human.

Q7: Is there a specific order in which I should combine elements?
A7: No, there’s no specific order. Feel free to experiment and combine elements in any order you like.

Q8: Can I undo a combination if I make a mistake?
A8: Unfortunately, there’s no undo feature in Little Alchemy 2. If you make a mistake, you’ll need to reset the game or start a new round.

Q9: How do I make a plant in Little Alchemy 2?
A9: To create a plant, combine Earth and Water.

Q10: Are there any hidden elements or Easter eggs in the game?
A10: Yes, there are hidden elements that you can discover by combining various items. Some combinations may not be obvious, so keep experimenting to find them.


Congratulations on completing this guide of how to make elements in Little Alchemy 2. Remember, the journey of combining and creating is infinite; there’s always a new outcome on the horizon. So let your imagination lead the way, and may your alchemic adventures blossom wondrously. Happy synthesizing!

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