How to Cancel Yelp Ads: 1st Comprehensive Guide

How to Cancel Yelp Ads
How to Cancel Yelp Ads

Advertising on Yelp can be a double-edged sword for small businesses and digital marketers. On one hand, it opens avenues for enhanced visibility in local searches; on the other hand, it can strain budgets without yielding the expected returns. If you’re considering putting a halt to your Yelp advertising efforts, you aren’t alone. This comprehensive guide will help you understand when to cancel Yelp ads, get insight into Yelp’s advertising policy, and learn the steps to cancel them effectively while still managing your business’s reputation.

Introduction to Yelp Advertising Guide

Yelp has become a cornerstone in the digital marketing landscape, especially for local businesses seeking to increase their visibility. Yelp’s advertising platform offers a unique opportunity to target local customers, but it’s not always the right fit for every business. Sometimes, due to various reasons such as cost, performance, or a shift in marketing strategy, businesses may decide to cancel their Yelp ads. This guide provides a deep dive into the process of cancelling Yelp ads, ensuring you make an informed decision that aligns with your business goals.

How to Cancel Yelp Ads

Determine your advertising needs

Before taking the cancellation route, it’s important to carefully consider whether this is the right course of action for you and your business.

Pause vs. Pause Cancel: Determine if your needs are temporary (in which case, standing your ads might be the best solution) or permanent. A break allows you flexibility, whereas an interruption is a definitive break.

Analyze performance: Review the performance data for your ads. Monitor key performance indicators (KPIs) such as impressions, customer leads, and conversion rates. This will help you to make the right decision.

Consult with a team or consultant: If you are unsure, consult with your marketing team or a trusted consultant. An outside perspective can shed light on unseen advantages or reveal overlooked shortcomings.

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Reasons to Cancel Yelp Ads

Before reaching a decision to cancel your ads on Yelp, it’s essential to evaluate your motives. Many advertisers find that the returns do not justify the costs involved.

Ineffective Results: Sometimes, Yelp’s demographic might not align with your target audience, leading to lackluster results. Tracking metrics and analyzing data can offer clear insights into the effectiveness of your campaigns.

High Costs: Yelp Ads can be expensive, especially for small businesses with limited marketing budgets. If the cost of acquiring a customer through Yelp is higher than the customer’s lifetime value, it might be time to reconsider your strategy.

Negative Reviews and Reputation Management: The impact of negative reviews on Yelp can be significant. If you feel Yelp ads are not contributing to a positive brand reputation or the platform’s environment isn’t suitable for your business, canceling may be the best option.

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Understanding Yelp’s Ad Policies and Terms

Yelp can lock businesses into a contract, making it difficult to cancel before the term is over.

Reviewing Yelp Ads Terms: It’s crucial to understand the fine print—look out for minimum commitment periods, auto-renewal clauses, and penalties for early cancellation.

Contractual Obligations and Cancellation Policies: Yelp may have specific requirements for canceling your ads. Familiarize yourself with these before proceeding, as they will dictate the course of your cancellation process.

How to Cancel Yelp Ads
How to cancel Yelp Ads on Desktop

Steps to Cancel Yelp Ads On Desktop

  • Navigate to Yelp for Business’s Billing page from the desktop site.
  • Click Manage under Your Products.
  • Click the Cancel icon next to any paid product or campaign you want to cancel. If you are currently enrolled in the CPC program and want to change your budget or cancel the program, click the Edit budget or Pause icons
  • Read and follow the clues to complete your cut. 
  • Refresh the page to ensure the cancellation was successful. 

If you plan to relaunch your ads in the future, be sure to select the option “I plan to relaunch Yelp Ads in the future” as the reason for ending your campaign This will allow you to choose a relaunch date under your Yelp Ads. 

If you are currently under contract and need to cancel your advertising program, just give Yelp Customer Success Team a call at (855) 380-9357.

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Steps to Pause Yelp Ads

Instead of cancelling a Yelp ad, you can also pause it briefly and continue the campaign later. You can only opt out of advertising once per Yelp’s advertising program so choose wisely.

You can stop Yelp ads through the app or desktop site. Just be aware that the steps vary depending on whether you access your Yelp account through an app or desktop.

How to Cancel Yelp Ads on app
How to cancel yelp ads on App

Yelp for Business App

  • Go to the app and click Yelp Ads at the bottom of the screen.
  • Select the End Campaign option.
  • Click Advertiser Click in the garbage can below the item.
  • If you have a boost promo running, you will need to confirm that you want to lose the promo. Click Continue.
  • There will be a survey asking why it has been cancelled. Select the appropriate cancellation reason, and then click Next.
  • Click the option to stop the advertising and then choose a date to resume.
  • Click the Pause and Redeem Offer button to confirm.

Yelp for Business on Desktop

The only difference in the steps to pause your ad using a desktop or mobile browser is:

  • Go to, log in and then go to the Billing tab.
  • Click the Edit link for your Current Products.

Then all the other steps are the same as for the mobile app.

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Managing Yelp Reviews and Reputation After Cancellation

Even if you decide to cancel your Yelp Ads, you cannot ignore the platform entirely, particularly regarding your business’s reputation.

Responding to Negative Reviews: Constructive responses to negative reviews can improve your business’s image and mitigate the potential adverse effects on your reputation.

Encouraging Positive Reviews: Encourage satisfied customers to share their positive experiences on Yelp. A higher volume of recent, positive reviews can help balance any negative feedback.

Leveraging Other Review Platforms: Yelp is just one of many review sites. Encourage customers to leave feedback on Google, Facebook, or industry-specific review platforms.


1.How long does it take to cancel Yelp ads?

   The time frame for cancelling Yelp ads can vary depending on your contract terms and the responsiveness of Yelp’s customer support. Generally, it’s advisable to allow a few business days for the process to be completed.

2. Will cancelling Yelp ads affect my business’s ratings and reviews?

   Cancelling Yelp ads does not directly affect your ratings and reviews. However, it may impact the visibility of your business on Yelp, which can indirectly influence customer interactions and feedback.

3. Can I restart Yelp ads after cancelling?

   Yes, businesses can typically restart their Yelp ads at a later date if they choose to. It’s important to review the current terms and conditions at the time of reactivation.

4. Are there penalties to cancel Yelp ads early?

   This depends on your contract terms with Yelp. Some contracts may include early cancellation fees or penalties, so it’s essential to review your agreement carefully.

5. How can I monitor the impact to cancel Yelp ads on my business?

   Monitoring tools such as web analytics, customer feedback channels, and sales data can help assess the impact to cancel Yelp ads. It’s important to compare these metrics before and after cancellation to get a clear picture.

6. What are some effective alternatives to Yelp ads for local businesses?

   Alternatives include search engine optimization (SEO), social media marketing, Google My Business optimization, local community engagement, and email marketing.

7. Can I reactivate my Yelp Ads after cancellation if I change my mind?

In most cases, you should be able to reactivate your Yelp Ads if you decide to return. You can do this by logging back into your Yelp for Business account and setting up your ads again. For assistance, you may need to contact Yelp’s support team.

For further assistance or if you have more questions about canceling your Yelp Ads, please contact Yelp’s customer service directly.


Cancelling your Yelp Ads could be a strategic move that frees up your budget for more effective marketing avenues. When done thoughtfully, it can allow you to retain control over your business’s reputation while exploring other strategies that may offer higher returns. Remember that marketing is an ever-adapting field, and what works today may not work tomorrow. Keep an open mind, monitor your campaigns closely, and stay agile enough to switch tactics when necessary.

In essence, weigh your options carefully before deciding to cancel Yelp Ads, and make sure to manage your business’s reputation actively on all fronts.